Warning: The magic method HM\BackUpWordPress\Notices::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /hosting/mlk/html/wp-content/plugins/backupwordpress/classes/class-notices.php on line 46

Warning: The magic method HM\BackUpWordPress\Path::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /hosting/mlk/html/wp-content/plugins/backupwordpress/classes/class-path.php on line 57

Warning: The magic method HM\BackUpWordPress\Extensions::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /hosting/mlk/html/wp-content/plugins/backupwordpress/classes/class-extensions.php on line 35
cheXpert – Go Lab



CheXpert는 흉부 X-ray사진 데이터셋으로, 자동화된 X-ray 판독을 위해 만들어졌다. 데이터셋은 약 500기가(!)이며, 현재 진행중인 Competition도 있다.

stanford ML group에서 지원하며, 아래와 같은 프로젝트를 지원하고 있다.

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